Basic Piano Tuning
Pitch Raise Tuning
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How often should I get my piano tuned?
A: Simple answer - At least once per year, twice if you play often.
Q: When is the best time of year to get my piano tuned?
A: In Minnesota, where there are big changes in humidity between summer and winter, the best time to get your piano tuned is right before the change happens - so in the fall or the spring. Changes in humidity are what cause your piano to detune. That's why tuners suggest that you get your piano tuned 30 days after a move, so your piano has already had time to adjust to the new humidity.
Q: I haven't had my piano tuned in a few that bad? Do I have to pay extra?
A: In a state where there are big swings in humidity, like MN, the piano will go slightly sharp in the spring and summer, but then even more flat in the winter. Because of this, every year a piano isn't tuned, it will go lower (flatter) in pitch and lower and lower. The bigger change a piano technician/tuner needs to make to the strings, the more those strings will try to return to their original position. Thats why a very out of tune piano needs to be tuned twice in a row, also known as a "pitch raise" tuning. This can be done in about 1hr 20min and ensures that the piano that had been very out of tune, will hold longer now that it is in tune. Otherwise it might go right back out of tune as soon as 20min!
Victor Johnson
Copyright 2014 Victor Johnson. All rights reserved.
Piano Tuning